Title | Type | Author | AR Info Level / Points | Awards |
Foot Book, The | Fiction | Seuss, Dr. | | |
Football Hero | Fiction | Green, Tim | | |
Football Hero | Fiction | Green, Tim | | |
Football's Awesome Quarterbacks | NF | D. J. Arneson, | | |
Forgotten Door, The | Fiction | Key, Alexander | | |
Forgotten Door, The | Fiction | Key, Alexander | | |
Formula One The Ultimate In Raci... | NF | Taylor, Rick | | |
Found | Fiction | Haddix, Margaret ... | | |
Foundling, And Other Tales Of Pr... | Fiction | Alexander, Lloyd | | |
FOUR DOLLS | Fiction | Godden, Rumer | | |
Four-headed Dragon, The | Fiction | Dixon, Franklin W. | | |
Fourth Grade Celebrity | Fiction | Giff, Patricia Re... | | |
Fourth Grade Rats | Fiction | Spinelli, Jerry | | |
Fourth-grade Celebrity | Fiction | Morril, Patricia ... | | |
Fox Steals Home, The | Fiction | Ohnson, Matt Chri... | | |
Fox Went Out On A Chilly Night, The | Fiction | Spier, Peter | | |
Foxy | Fiction | Dunlop, Eileen | | |
Framed | Fiction | Korman, Gordon | | |
Francine The Superstar | Fiction | Krensky, Stephen | | |
Frank And Ernest | Fiction | Day, Alexandra | | |
Franklin And The Tooth Fairy | Fiction | Paulette Bourgeoi... | | |
Franklin In The Dark | Fiction | Bourgeois, Paulette | | |
Franklin Is Bossy | Fiction | Clark, Written By... | | |
Frankly, Frannie | Fiction | Stern, Aj | | |
Franny K. Stein Mad Scientist / ... | Fiction | Benton, Jim | | |